I take it back.
The Pissy Patty attitude I had in my previous post of not feeling fly.
I needed to vent to get myself through the hump of burnout that happens to me from time to time. Now I am back and as CEO of SLV I have made an executive decision to change my attitude by counting my Be Your Own Boss Blessings:
By Sweet Love Vintage
- I work with Me, Myself and I. I get along with Me the best and sometimes Myself gets on Me's nerves but for the most part we are all friends and work well together. And we all have the option of online social networking when we get sick of each other and need a break.
- I can play super loud music that launches f-bombs everywhere if I need to blow off some steam without annoyed co-workers telling me to "turn that sh*t down".
- I can dance and sing loud shaking my booty without annoyed co-workers telling me to "sit that sh*t down".
- I can make my lunch at 10:37, noon or 3:12. I can stink it up with as much garlic, onions and canned fish as I want.
- I can take expressive breaks to draw or write for my art blog or other creative thing around the house such as making something out of deer antlers or turning water into wine. It's really just Kombucha, but wine sounds better.
- I can wear the same outfit to work 5 days in a row without strange looks.
- I can drop food and eat it off the floor only getting strange looks from the dog.
- Oh yeah, I have a furry friend that is doggone lucky not to be kenneled all day. He's my non-judgmental, quiet, nerdy confidante that occasionally takes walk breaks with me when I need fresh air and to clear my thoughts.
- If I forget to brush my teeth I can walk upstairs or just skip it all together. Options!
- I have the luxury to get outside for exercise when it's gorgeous out. Major perk.
- I get to take pictures of things I love on my travels. Like funny vintage taxidermy:
And old Fords. I've been obsessed foreva and eva.
The flexibility rocks. I work on and off constantly. It does include nights and weekends but there's time off here and there and everywhere. Workin' 9-5 Dolly Parton style just isn't me.
- Vacation time never runs out. I recently hit New York with Hubby to visit my sister, and we had so much fun! It was glorious soaking in the stimulating inspiration everywhere through my eyes, ears, nose and taste buds. I also played with my food in public cuz I'm classy like that. That would never go over at a "real" client lunch meeting in the conference room.
I get to be on the fly. Every day is a new adventure! Sometimes the adventure is nothing more than a trip to the post office, lunch at school with a kid, and a spur of the moment decision to drive somewhere. Not sure where, maybe Jack's Junkyard. Shucks. Forgot to brush. Jack won't notice, he's missing molars.
- This brings me to the eccentric people I run into. I've run across many-a missing teeth, eye-patches, big beards, strange hats, the creative and colorful, unusual speakers, the creepy but harmless, the creepy and I'm-getting-out-of-here, and your normal run-of-the-mill ordinary. I love this diversity and hearing and wondering about their stories.
- I learn important information every day from either Google or a fellow picker/antique dealer. Just yesterday at an antique shop when I was examining some old fishing stuff, I met a lady who told me the story of her cousin's friend who knew this guy who died from Tetanus from an old rusty fishing hook that got stuck in his finger and apparently your jaw doesn't lock up until the very end, which I did not know! I thought it locked up right away! See? Important information.
- I love love love having business lunches with my fellow Etsy friends The Mina Bucket, Mill Street Vintage and Pretty Girl Shop. Here we are at our recent*cough* business *cough* lunch that went from 2 until 8 and involved wine, beer, food and gallons of laughs. You must check out their shops as they are crazy talented!
- The BEST thing about my job is that I have the privilege of being at home for these two little buggers that have a tight grip on my heart:

I'm over it. The burnout.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going for a hike with those two little buggers and the furry nerdy confidante.
While I count more blessings like these gorgeous fall colors.